Luc Sculpture Studio
LS3 offers a unique, engaging and fun environment to explore your creativity. Built on 3 pillars of truth, our philosophy is based on a ‘let go,’ attitude where you are free to explore your creativity without judgment, without imposed techniques and with no rigid guidelines. Instead, all the teachers at LS3 are experienced artists who will gently guide you through your own personal creative journey. Our logo, Relief through Creativity, encourages you to ‘fall freely’ into your creative process and allow all your ghosts and deep hidden emotions to arise and manifest outside of you as art. A detoxification of the body, mind and spirit, you are left feeling lighter, more confident, closer to your true essence, and filled with a sense of ‘relief’. If you are free of troubling issues, then the artwork becomes an expression of your love, compassion, dreams and vision. Others will resonate with your message. This process of creating in a ‘free falling’ manner without restrictions, without boundaries is healing. Creation is therapeutic!
As Luc Bihan, the creator and guide of LS3 would say:
“Do not plan, do not think, do not judge, just feel, create and express. The miracle is yours.”
Art supplies and our environment
LS3 is committed to keeping not only our art supplies, but also our Studio space free of ‘man made’ materials. As much as possible, we do not use fossil products from the oil industry either in our art materials or in our creative space. We strive always to keep it pure and natural by removing synthetic carpets, cement, plastics, glue, linoleum and stripping our walls of acrylic paint. Fossil products are non-biodegradable and polluting. In place of these toxic substances, our art supplies are created in nature. For example, our paper mache, is simply a mixture of flour and water. Our recipe does not include toxic glue. Our philosophy poses a challenging task, yet it is worth all the effort. It takes a lot of time, demands our creativity, a lot of elbow grease, and of course, money. Any contributions towards helping us with our on-going commitment to purify our space on every level are always welcome!
Mother Nature
The 3rd pillar of our philosophy embraces Mother Nature. Let us begin with our acknowledgment that not only are we connected to nature, but also a part of her! So why is Mother Nature everywhere except in our daily lives? Every day in so many ways, we are truly disconnected from her. We walk on cement in plastic shoes and wear synthetic clothes. Our food is processed and we eat it from Styrofoam containers with a plastic fork? Our homes are covered in products originating from dead fossils (petroleum). The walls are covered in plaster and coated in acrylic paint. These toxic walls encase a jungle of electrical wires and cables. Is it any wonder that those that live in the country and closer to nature, live longer than city dwellers? These dead materials are cold and give off no radiant energy. If you compare this dead energy to the raw energy of a clay sculpture or a piece of natural wood, you will instinctively know the difference. This is the very reason why clay is the key to LS3 sculpture. It took billions of years to create this natural clay and it is a result of degrading mountains! It is alive.
We see our commitment paying off when students walk into our studio, tired and depressed from daily life. Within a few hours, they have forgotten both time and any previous concerns they came in with. They leave happy and at peace. Touching and working with this pure clay, regenerates you! There is no doubt. The pure energy of the clay is alive and flows through your fingertips. It is rejuvenating on all levels of being, as is the very process of creating. The process of creating is transformative, healing and enlivening!
Come and share this experience with us!