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Thr: Art & Craft

Art & Craft, Mixed Media1378408_348539495282500_1137245043_n

Thursday 4 to 5:30 pm:

Instructeur: Valerie Severino

Fall 1 session: September 15 to October 27
Fee: $185 for 7 weeks (no class Oct.10 for thanksgiving)

Fall 2 session: Nov.3 to December 23
Fee: $205 for 8 weeks

Winter session: January 17 to March 7555970_353582218111561_1176053237_n
Fee: $205 for 8 weeks

Spring session: March 21 to May 2
Fee: $185 for 7 weeks 

Summer session: May 9 to June 120
Fee: $185 for 7 weeks

Those prices are inclusive

Drop in welcome is availability at $25 a session

Space limited to 8 kids from age 6 to 10

Call  416-461-7936  or Click here for registration

Do you like to build and create fun and colourful projects?
Explore Hands-on Arts & Crafts using both traditional, fun and exciting materials like stones, clay, paper, cardboard, wood, etc… Learn how to build a Japanese doll, design your own dream home with colourful paper and tiny furniture, or paint a landscape with watercolours and tempera. Kids will learn different art techniques and play with a variety of materials to further expand their artistic repertoire.

has been teaching kids for 4 years and enjoys exploring different mediums and tools in creating expressive Art pieces. She loves drawing people due to their unique personalities and individual quirks.

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