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Oct15: Linocut WS

Print makingafcy - lino patricia 11 send

Instructor: Jerry Silverberg

Saturday 15th from 1 to 4 pm

Fee 60$ + $10 supplies

Limited to 6 participants

Using soft, easy to cut linoleum participants will transfer their drawings onto their plate, cut their design and hand prints their work onto paper ready to frame.
Create greeting cards, birthday, wedding or personnel art work using this simple printmaking process.
No experience necessary. The workshop is suitable for ages 10 and up.

Click Here to Register

jerry - smiling by chantelJerry Silverberg is a multi-disciplinary artist who has been producing art works for over 30 years. Primarily a Printmaker, his artwork has shown in many galleries and cafes throughout the city.
His illustrative work has appeared in The Globe and Mail, Walrus Magazine, the Toronto Star and New York Times.
As a teacher, he brings a wealth of experience to his workshops. His approach is hands on, thorough, inclusive, and fun with a strong emphasis on the sense of discovery and play.

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lino – singer send

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lino – after the apple send

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lino – easter send