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Why has LucSculpture banned cellular phones?

LucSculpture took the brave, radical, and controversial decision
to ban cell phones or any wireless device.
That includes blackberries, inbox checking, text messaging or iPhone.

The industry with their scientists crews and mass media such

as TV, Radio, newspaperstand most of the web

are playing fool with us on a lot of matters
that implement dangerous consequences on Mother Earth
and our own heath
to defend their company and only care about profit.

The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace)

Congressional report on the matter: • Congressional Staff Briefing • (Fragments)

Here is some information off the mass media stream

What does IMF pollution do

Who to protect your children and yourselves

If you dig into these pages a bit you are quickly going to find out
that different frequency waves (EMF) can kill living being on Earth including us

If you plan to explore your right side of the brain
(including your telepathic capacity) at LucSculpture
or simply embracing the increasing magnetic field of the Earth

please use our land line: 416 461 7936.

Thanks you