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Yuri’s Village practitioners

Yuri’s Village:

Naturopathic Clinic is on the 3rd floor of LucSculpturelogo_small

Yuri Murakami Bihan in BC (Naturopathic Doctor)

Pei-Fang Tsai (Reflexology, Indian Head massage, Qi Gong)

Tom Peric (Addiction Counselling and Psychotherapy)

Grace Chiu (Art therapist)

Natalie Capone (intern therapy, Intuitive reader & Spiritual counsellor)

Classes and Workshops:

Tai Chi Chuan Instructor: Jacqueline Kortright,
on Sunday and Monday, 10:00 am to 11:30 am, $120 for 7 weeks or $20 drop in

Gi Gong Instructor: Pei Fang Tsai
Workshop on Saturday Nov. 25 and Dec. 3 from 2 to 3:30 pm, $20 in advance or $25 drop in

Kaiut Yoga -instructor Adina Isaac
On Tuesday evening 7 to 8 pm or Sunday afternoon from 1 to 2 pm

Yuri’s Village hold the space for healing people, earth and all the relations. Click here for more information