Sunday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:45 pm
On January 28, February 25, April 29 and May 27
Instructor: Pei-Fang Tsai (Certified Qi-Gong Instructor)
Simple yet powerful 5-10 minute Chi-Gong exercises that you can do on your
own daily to feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Chi-Gong strengthens and heals the body and mind, and balances the emotions.
Chi-Gong: The Path of Movement, Meditation and Strength for Everyone
Chi-Gong is Easy, Enjoyable, Energizing, Healing, Relaxing and Fun!
In this Introductory Chi Gong workshop: we will do warm-ups, energizing body tapping,
gentle movements with focused breathing, short meditation, self-massage and relaxation.
You will also learn the Office Chi-Gong form to deal better with work related stress and
improve the work productivity.
Each Session @ $20 in advance or 25$ at the door
Contact to register: 416-831-1609 or [email protected]
Registration via e-mail/phone necessary before attending the Chi-Gong workshop