19th Annual Festival of Lights Service
Sunday, December 4th, 2016, 1:30 pm sharp
Many religions use light — inner and outer — to symbolize their prayers and hopes for what is right with the world, especially at this holiday season. Representatives from the Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Divine Feminine, Indigenous, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi and Zoroastrian traditions will share with us their faith, their passion and their creativity in sacred words, poetry, chants, songs and music.
There will be plenty of light to go around. We light a candle for each of the religions represented, as well as one candle to symbolize our unity, mutual support, and hopes and prayers for world peace.
Please join us for this inspiring and festive interspiritual celebration!
Come to LucSculpture, 663 Greenwood Avenue, just north of Danforth.
Go to the Greenwood subway station, walk south to Danforth, then west one block to Greenwood. Luc Sculpture is on the northeast corner.
On Sundays there is free parking on Danforth.
A donation of $10 is suggested; no-one will be turned away for lack of funds.
For more information: Amina Janet Berketa, [email protected] , 416-782-6612.
Sponsored by the Toronto Area Interfaith Council (TAIC) and by the
Awakening Heart Circle, An Inayati Sufi Order Centre in Toronto