Monday & Tuesday: 4:00 to 5:30 (6 to 12 yrs)
With Christine Tatilon (bilingual)
Monday Fall session 1: September 11/12 to October 30/31
Fee: $195 for 7 weeks (no class on Thanksgiving Oct.9)
Tuesday Fall session 1: September 11/12 to October 30/31
Fee: $220 for 8 weeks
Monday Fall session 2: November 6 to December 18
Fee: $195 for 7 weeks
Tuesday Fall session 2: November 7 to December 19
Fee: $195 for 7 weeks
Monday Winter session: January 8 to March 5
Fee: $220 for 8 weeks (no class on Family day Feb. 19)
Tuesday Winter session: January 9 to March 6
Fee: $245 for 9 weeks
Monday Spring session: March 19 to April 30
Fee: $170 for 6 weeks (no class on Easter Apr.2)
Tuesday Spring session: March 20 to April 31
Fee: $195 for 7 weeks
Monday Summer session: May 7 to June 25
Fee: $195 for 7 weeks (no class on Victoria day May 21)
Tuesday Summer session: May 8 to June 26
Fee: $220 for 8 weeks
Our price includes clay, glazing and double firing.
Space limited to 6 kids
Call 416-461-7936 or Click here for registration
Get your hands dirty with introductory clay classes at LucSculpture. Learn how to build and decorate a mug, bowl or something from your imagination. Classes are open to students of all levels and include hand-building techniques, an introduction to the potter’s wheel, and surface decoration.
Christine Tatilon Bio:
Born in France, partly raised in Canada, Christine Tatilon moved from Marseille back to Toronto 10 years ago. After having worked for over 15 years as a graphic designer in France, she decided to give it a go at building a new life for my children and herself in Canada as a freelance illustrator-artist.
What I wanted to do by coming back to Toronto is to get on with what I love the most: CREATING! In past years, Christine has turned her interest towards design, working manly on surface design but also product design, making fabric and clay her focused medium. Her use of clay is mainly oriented towards prototyping objects that can later be made with diverse materials. Christine’s mission is to make art a part of your everyday, using useful objects as support to her art and brining a touch of whimsical to your life.
Née en France, en parti élevée au Canada, Christine Tatilon a fait ses études d’Arts Plastiques en France, à la Faculté d’Aix-en-Provence, au terme desquelles elle commence une carrière d’infographiste qui durera plus de 15 ans.
Maintenant établie à Toronto avec ses enfants, Christine poursuit sa carrière d’artiste/illustratrice et a agrandi, au fil des dix dernières années, son horizon artistique en consacrant une bonne partie de son temps au monde du design. Elle travaille surtout avec les textiles et l’argile pour créer des objets usuels qui ont pour but de véhiculer l’Art dans l’environnement quotidien en y mettant une touche de gaîté. L’objet usuel devient support de son art.