Instructor: David Edwards
April 6, 20 and 27 from 1 to 5 pm
Fee for three workshops $210 or each one @ $80
Pre-registration necessary: To register contact us: [email protected], 416-461-7936
April 13 Workshop 1 – Realistic Drawing
The first workshop will focus on elements of drawing: Aspect of the Line and edges, using positive and negative shapes. A few simple exercises using these concepts, building relatively simple “trompe-l’œil” objects in pencil. Homework: Practise drawing at home. Bring to the next workshop some objects from home that can be arranged in a still-life composition. (alternatively, bring 3 photographs they find interesting).
April 20 Workshop 2 – Elements of Composition
In this workshop, the student put the chosen objects into an arrangement and do drawings of it. What makes an arrangement interesting? How do shapes create emotion, harmony, tension? Introduce the concept of “Eye Magnets” (a focal point or points that attract the eye). Moving the eye around the drawing – unseen lines, relationships, proportions, golden ratio, perspective, movement and rhythm. (‘Could be quite ambitious actually!)
April 27 Workshop 3 – Painting
This workshop will use a composition chosen from Workshop 2 where the students redraw it as an outline on canvas and by the end, create a finished painting. Introduce the concepts of staining the canvas with a (fairly) neutral tone; using a simplified palette, complementary colours; blocking in areas of colour, and finishing the painting.
Bio: David started his Professional career in Waterloo after he graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Queen’s University. He graduated with degrees of Arts and Sciences specializing in Computer Science. He was chairman of the Artists Association in Kungsängen, Sweden for 10 years since 1984. He painted and taught extensively in water colour, oil and acrylic, in the discipline of landscape, portrait and abstract. He returned to Canada in 1994. Since then, he had numerous art exhibitions all around Toronto, too many to list them here, also, he was a prized speaker in multiple conferences and published books and poetry works. David loves life, his country, and advocates peace. His love for arts is fully reflected in his works.
You can see his works at