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LucSculpture School & Studios
Relief through creativity
Our team
What We Do
Our Philosophy
Nos Philosophies
Wireless Free Zone
Greening Household Product
No more plastic, please
Opening Hours
Heures d’ouverture
LucSculpture Press Release
2015: Mini TFO
10-07 Reportage d’une demi-heure
Luc Bihan Press Release
Sale, Donation, Swap or Volunteer
TBA Schedule
Jan2, 3, 4: January Art camps
After School & Classes
Jan14: Mon Pottery
Jan14: Mon. Painting Class
Jan14: Mon. Play-Based Theatre
Jan15: Tue. Pottery
Jan16: Wed. Cartooning
Jan17: Thurs. Pottery
Jan17: Thurs. Illustration
Jan18: Fri. Portfolio Art
Jan18: Fri. Sumi-E
Jan19: Saturday Pottery
Jan18: PA Day Camp
Jan18: Journées Pédagogiques
Feb7: Home School Thursday
School Field Trip
Cours artistiques pour les écoles
Saturday Family Clay
Kids Birthday Party
Fête et Anniversaire
March Break Art Camps: 11 to 15
July1-Aug30: Summer Camp 2019
1Juillet-30Aout: Vacances d’été créatives
Art camps pictures
Adults Clay
Jan22: Tues.Beginner Clay Sculpture
Coiling Technique Workshop
Clay Musical Instruments
Using slab and mold WS
Water Fountain
Hollowing to Prepare for Firing
Wax and Natural Oil Patina
Pottery Studio
Wkd: 3hrs Introductory on the Wheel
Jan13: Sun: Pottery Class
Jan14: Mon.Evening: Pottery
Jan21: Mon. Morning Pottery
Jan29: Tue. Afternoon Pottery
Feb6: Wed. Morning Pottery
TBA: Wed. Evening Pottery
Glazing Workshop (Sat)
Clay Adult party
Sculpture: Figure & Portrait
Jan17: Thu Realistic Portraiture
Apr18: Realistic Figure Sculpture
Nov 2019: Figure sculpture: Gesture
Figurative 3D for Animators
Saturday Family Clay
Clay Adult party
Clay studio pictures
Adults Painting & Drawing
Drawing Classes
Jan14: Mon. Beginner Drawing
Jan15/17: Tues/Thu. Beginner Drawing
Jan23: Wed. Intro. Cartooning & Illustration
Jan23: Wed. Drop-in Figure Drawing
Painting Classes
Jan17: Thu. Impressionist Painting
Jan18: Fri. Sumi-E (Japanese brush painting)
Jan20: Art Mass: Sunday Morning Open Studio
Jan20: Sun. Independent painting
Jan21: Mon. Beginner Painting
Jan22: Tue. Portraiture Curriculum (level 3: Soft Pastels))
Jan22: Tue. Cityscape & Landscape
Jan24: Abstract painting with Watercolour
Apr16: Portraiture Basics
Painting membership
Jan19:: Intuitive Art (Monthly)
Jan19: Jewellery & Wire Art (Monthly)
Jan25: Friday Night Wine & Paint (Monthly)
Jan26: Encaustic Painting Workshop (Monthly)
Feb2: Oil Paint & Cold Wax Painting
Feb9: Fluid Acrylic Pour Painting (Monthly)
Mar2: Watercolour Workshop
Mar8-9: Mixed Media: Animals
Mar23: Portraiture Painting
Apr6,20,27: From Drawing to Painting
Apr21: Primitive Art
Apr28: Fibre Art
May4: Mixed Media: Art book
TBA: Dog Portraiture Painting
NBA: Still Life Painting
Dec28: Improvisation drum Jam
Until Jan6: Art & Craft Show
Feb8: Rendez-vous with Lines and Colors
Gallery Hours and Pictures
Art Show Rental
Events Rental
Clay Adult party
Body, Mind & Wellness
Yuri’s Village Practitioners
Appt: Yuri Murakami MD
Appt: Grace Chiu: Art Therapist
Appt: Tom Peric: Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Appt: Natalie Capone intern therapist
Appt: Shauntahl Belgrave-Albrektsen, Holistic Praticionner
Appt: Pei-Fang Tsai, RN
YV wellness classes
March: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Sun/Mon-am: Tai Chi Chuan & Chi Kung Meditation Circle
Mon.Eve: The Bodhisattva Program
TBA: Qi-Gong classes
TBA: Wild Wombin Wellness
Yuri’s Village Pictures
Gift Certificates
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Painting membership
You can either pay
by the hours: 12$ + tax
Monthly membership $120 + tax