Watercolour Figure WS

Watercolour for all level

Demonstration, individual assistance and critiques from the internationally recognized watercolour artist will make this a stimulating course for artists in any level!

Date & Time: TBA (in fall)

Note: Quality watercolour paper available

Facebook Link to the previous portrait workshop

Relax and enjoy as you discover the spontaneity which is so unique to watercolour.
In this hands-on course, artist/instructor Atanur Dogan will demonstrate his techniques and have you trying out several techniques to create different effects in this medium.
Atanur will help you create vibrant and expressive water media paintings.

Click Here to Register 

Instructor: Atanur Dogan
Atanur portrays ordinary people and traditional scene of the Turkish customs. The poetical approach of his art works evoke emotions in viewers.
They have held exhibits in the major cities of North America and Turkey also in Zurich, Paris, London, Taipei and Tokyo. In 2004, the Portrait Society of Canada selected Atanur Dogan, as one of five portrait artists, deemed best in the world. Atanur was also invited by the Portrait Society of Canada to be the demonstrating portrait artist at the “2004 International Portrait Arts Festival” held in Toronto.  In 2009, Atanur and his wife, Asman, received the People’s Choice Award at one of North America’s largest art shows held at Toronto City Hall.

Atanur has recently released a teaching DVD (available on Atanur’s website) which outlines the variety of skills used in creating their different styles of watercolour techniques.

Atanur website: www.doganart.com