Drawing & Painting

Young at Art -Drawing and Painting through the Ages - (Age:6-13)

Tuesdays 4:00 – 5:30 pm,

Spring session: from May 8 to June 19

This class will explore different art techniques while building knowledge about ancient cultures. Lots of experimenting of painting and drawing traditions on different surfaces including clay!  We will start at a point in history and work our way through a series of time periods to see how art was explored then and what we can learn from it now. For example, cave painting with natural pigments, Egyptian writing as symbolic art; Story telling on Greek vases, how the Impressionists were influence by Japanese scroll painting and much more. This class is constantly building on previous classes but anyone can jump right in and start at any point.  (Options both in English and French)

Cost: $120 (7-week sessions) or $ 25 (drop-in)

Call or Click here for registration

Instructor: Cheryl Lobe-Therias

Cheryl arrived in Toronto 3 years ago coming directly from Nice, France where she was settled living, teaching and creating for some 20 years. Cheryl holds a BFA from Emily Carr Institute of Art, Vancouver, BC and a Masters of education from Pace University, NY. She taught IB Art, IGCSE and basic art classes to all age groups at the International School of Nice throughout the years since 1989. Cheryl also teaches pottery for adults and  watercolour at LucSculpture.

Cheryl’s Artist Website: http://to-the-artists-attic.blogspot.com/

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